When it comes to romance don’t just save it for Valentine’s Day, living green provides plenty of opportunities to smother your significant other with two of the most important aspects of any romantic relationship: love and intimacy.
‘Green’ is the new ‘red,’ when it comes to romance and passion, so why not plan a sustainable surprise for your partner on a weekend when he/she least expects it?
Here are some ideas that are sure to make your weekend a green ‘Affair to Remember!’
1. Chocolates for your significant other
The Aztecs believed that chocolate had aphrodisiac qualities that invigorated men and made women feel less inhibited. So if chocolates are your tried and tested method to whet your partner’s taste buds then consider organic and sustainable brands like Dagoba or Green & Black.
2. Plant a tree in your lover’s name
What could possibly be more romantic? Nearly everyone is familiar with the idea of carving a lover’s name on a tree. Why just scratch the surface when you can memorialize your love by planting a tree in his or her name. The tree will grow and flourish even as your love does.
You can plant trees in the name of your partner through nonprofit organizations such as Heifer International or Trees for Life International. They will plant the trees in developing countries to help local villagers become more self-sufficient.
Or if you prefer your dollars stay closer to home, you can choose a company like TreeGivers.com that will plant your tree in the U.S. or Canada.
3. Breakfast in bed
Why bother with an expensive dinner out when snuggling up under a luxurious pure silk blanket is so much more romantic! The weekends are always a great time to ‘sleep in’. So forget about your Saturday morning errands and indulge your partner with a decadent breakfast tray of fair trade coffee and organic strawberries dipped in honey, the “nectar of Aphrodite” (Greek goddess of beauty and sexual rapture).
4. Generate electricity by saving energy
Now you already know that turning the thermostat can cut back on energy use. So why not stay warm by snuggling together under the covers? It makes for a completely carbon-neutral way to heat things up, and by heat, I refer to the electricity created by you and your partner!
5. A decadent home spa ritual to tickle your significant other’s senses
The power of touch helps couples create a strong bond for lasting passion in their relationship. So why not relax your partner with a sensual aromatherapy massage a la Yours Truly. Use organic essential oils like lavender to create calm and rose to set the mood for passion.

6. Consider a sumptuous soak for two
Follow your aromatherapy massage with a sumptuous soak for two in an aromatic bath filled with fragrant flower petals. Most florists throw away flowers at the end of the day. So pop around to your local florist late on a Friday evening to see what they have left in stock. Chances are, they will be only too happy to clear out their inventory. Enhance the mood by decorating your bath area with soy or beeswax candles and pour some freshly squeezed fruit juice for two.
7. Bike ride + picnic
Take time out to bike with your significant other to a secluded spot in the country, beach or nearby park. Then spend a leisurely afternoon enjoying the summer weather and don’t forget to take a picnic filled with organic foods that stimulate the senses just as much as the landscape does.
8. Sustainable Lingerie
If you simply want to stay in bed all day, then you might want to consider modeling some sustainable lingerie for an extra little piece of bedroom drama. It’s ultimately sexy and not even that expensive. Try Enamore’s sexy lingerie made from organic and sustainable materials like cotton, silk, and soy. Or, try the French eco-friendly brand g=9.8 which creates sexy, colorful undergarments made from cultivated pine trees!
Organic products are essentially earth-friendly, sustainable and natural, not only in its entity but in production mode. Which makes safer and healthier.
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