5 Best Foods For Gorgeous Skin


1. Low fat yogurt …

Low fat dairy products are full of vitamin A. This essential vitamin does wonders for our skin. If you have a thyroid problem or diabetes that’s another reason for you to stock up on organic law fat yogurts!

2. Berries …

I am talking about plums, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries (No, not the phone!). These berries have a great antioxidant capacity which means - the more of these we have, the longer our skin will look youthful and healthy!

3. Salmon …

Our skin needs essential fatty acids. If fish isn’t your thing, try walnuts, flax seed or canola oil. All these will give you an amazing result! Omega 3 and Omega 6 may sound like a Sci-fi flick, but these fatty acids are a must for a beautiful
, well moisturized skin.

4. Green tea …


This drink contains polyphenols which have anti-inflammatory characteristics. And despite what they say, a good tea will not dehydrate your body, it will only work as an anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent that’ll keep bacteria at bay and will fight off those free radicals that make our skin age early.

5. Water …

Did I even need to mention it? :) Good hydration is our skin’s best friend, right? And I’m talking about good bottled or filtered water in its purest form and not sodas or energy drinks. So ensure that you’re getting at least 8 glasses of water a day for your beautiful skin.


Dee-Zigns Handcrafted Jewelry said...

Had salmon last night - so yea me! Didn't know about the berries though, gives me another reason to eat more of them!
PS I tagged you on a post today :).

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